Performance enhancement of CMOS compatible 600V rated AlGaN/GaN Schottky diodes on 200mm silicon wafers
We present significant performance enhancements
of AlGaN/GaN power Schottky diodes on 200 mm silicon
substrates achieved by optimizing the anode fabrication and the
epitaxial layers. 600V rated AlGaN/GaN power diodes using a
MIS (Metal Insulator Semiconductor)-gated Schottky anode were
processed using a CMOS compatible process flow transferable to
mass production environments. Turn-on voltages V$_T$ around 0.6
V at 25°C, forward voltages V$_F$ lower than 1.6 V at 100 mA/mm
and 25°C, reverse leakage currents IREV lower than 1 $\mu$A/mm at
600 V and 150°C and excellent dynamic performances were
achieved and outperform state of the art 600V rated AlGaN/GaN
Schottky diodes.