CEA Tech is the CEA’s technology research unit (french acronym: DRT). It consists of three research institutes (Leti, Liten, and List) and of regional branch offices.
CEA tech develops a broad portfolio of technologies for ICTs, energy, and healthcare

HAL-DRT is an open archive where you can consult all DRT scientific publications deposited on HAL.

Click on the logo or the department name to consult its publications

Research institutes
  Department of Architectures, Design and Embedded Software (French acronym : DACLE-LETI)
Silicon Components Department (French acronym : DCOS)
Optics and Photonics Department (French acronym : DOPT)
Systems and solutions integration Department (French acronym : DSYS)
microTechnologies for Biology and Health Department (French acronym : DTBS)
Silicon technologies Department (French acronym : DTSI)
See also Observatory of Micro and Nano Technologies (French acronym : OMNT)
  Department of Architectures, Design and Embedded Software (French acronym : DSCIN)
Ambient Intelligence and Interactive Systems Department (French acronym : DIASI)
Software and Systems Engineering Department (French acronym : DILS)
Imaging & Simulation for Control Department (French acronym : DISC)
Metrology Instrumentation & Information Department (French acronym : DM2I)
  Department of Electricity and Hydrogen for Transportation (French acronym : DEHT)
Biomass and Hydrogen technologies Department (French acronym : DTCH)
Nanomaterials technologies Department (French acronym : DTNM)
Solar technologies Department (French acronym : DTS)
See also National Solar Energy Institute (French acronym : INES) and Research and Conservation group (French acronym : ARC-NUCLÉART)

CEA Tech in regions
  Hauts-de-France (Lille)
Grand Est (Metz)
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (Cararache et Gardanne)
Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée (Toulouse)
Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Bordeaux)
Pays de la Loire (Nantes)

Latest submissions






8 278


9 093
