Pragmatic Semantic Communication Through Quantum Channel
The paradigm of semantic and goal-oriented communication offers a transition toward highly efficient AI-native connect-compute-actuate 6G networks. Unlike current content-blind communication and ML/AI training, interactions among intelligent agents capture essential information properties, facilitating practical support for understanding and effective goal attainment. However, its full potential is hindered by excessive energy consumption, wireless system resource consumption, and computational limitations. Graph-based knowledge and communication systems effectively represent, communicate, and process complex, causal, structural, and multidimensional semantic meanings. Operating in terms of semantic entities, relationships, contextual logic, and reasoning rules, these systems face challenges in transmitting graphs over classical wireless channels, given the associated resource costs. To overcome this, we explore integrating quantum technology into semantic communication, presenting a novel approach - quantum semantic communications. In our study, we focus on sharing semantic knowledge graphs through quantum mechanical principles, utilizing remote state preparation within quantum protocols. We evaluate the tradeoffs between semantic graphs and quantum channel costs to determine the feasibility of our protocol. Additionally, we explore the scalability of the quantum approach and demonstrate the computational gains achievable in polynomial time.