Room temperature spectral characterization of direct band gap Ge$_{0.85}$Sn$_{0.15}$ LEDs and photodiodes
Owing to their direct band gaps, (Si)GeSn all-group-IV alloys are promising candidates for light sources, photodetectors and modulators monolithically integrated onto a CMOS-compatible mid-infrared photonic platform. Several research teams have demonstrated optically pumped GeSn lasers, and, more recently, an electrically pumped GeSn laser at low operating temperature. Here, we studied Ge0.85Sn0.15-based light emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodiodes (PDs) operating at room temperature. The stack was grown on a p-doped Ge strain-relaxed buffer at low growth temperatures (below 350°C) in a 200 mm chemical vapor deposition tool. Fabricated GeSn devices were characterized at room temperature with a Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) and an InSb detector. The spectral response of the FTIR InSb detector was calibrated with respect to a Deuterated Triglycine Sulfate detector (DTGS). This spectral response was then used to correct Ge0.85Sn0.15 LEDs emission spectra with emission maximum at 3.3 μm. The cutoff wavelength at 3.7 μm of the GeSn photodiode was finally obtained (at 0V bias) after correction of the Globar incident light spectrum. Such emission and detection open up promising perspectives for all-group-IV LEDs and PDs in applications such as gas sensing.