Direct determination of the 237Np/238U ratio in nuclear fuel sample by Multicollection Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS)
A new method for the direct determination of the 237Np/238U ratio in irradiated UO2 pellets by multicollection inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) is proposed. This less time consuming method allows the determination of ratios down to 10 µmol·mol-1 using ion counter for the measurement of 237Np and Faraday cup for 238U. This method was validated by analyzing samples measurable by both quadrupole ICPMS and MC-ICPMS. For 237Np/238U included between 10 and 100 µmol·mol-1, expanded uncertainties by MC-ICPMS were varying respectively between 2.75 % and 0.81 % for the new method, at least twice lower than the uncertainties determined by Q-ICPMS.
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