The Ostwald ripening at nanoengineering of InAsSbP spherical and ellipsoidal quantum dots on InAs (100) surface
We present the results of growth of quasi-ternary InAsSbP spherical and ellipsoidal quantum dots (QDs) on InAs (100) surface by the method of liquid-phase epitaxy. Coarsening of QDs due to coalescence and Ostwald ripening was investigated by atomic-force and scanning electron microscopy. Ellipsoidal QDs prolated in [010] and oblated in [001] directions have been grown. Elongation ratios for the ellipsoidal QDs were measured in all three directions. It is shown that elongation of spherical QDs to ellipsoidal is started at QDs diameter of ∼50 nm. Shape transformation of the QDs’ size distribution function from the Gram-Charlier-like to the Gaussian and then to the Lifshits-Slezov-like distribution was revealed at increasing the nucleation time.