Very High spatial Resolution IR thermography diagnostic positioning system upgrade in WEST Tokamak
The Very High spatial Resolution (VHR) infrared thermography diagnostic developed by CEA-IRFM is installed in the WEST tokamak to measure surface temperature of the actively cooled W-monoblocks (MB) of the Plasma Facing Units (PFUs), which are similar to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) ones. It is a major diagnostic to investigate the behavior of PFU during experimentation thanks to its very high spatial resolution (0.1 mm / pixel), movable field of view (FoV) and the wide-range temperature measurement. In particular, it can study the evolution of monoblocks mounted in the tokamak, the influence of the shaping of these components submitted to high heat load and the behavior of the leading edges regarding the assembling tolerances between adjacent monoblocks. Finally, such diagnostic directly contributes to the specification assessment of the ITER divertor units. This diagnostic was operational during the 2019 WEST experimentation and its enhanced design for the 2020 WEST experimentation campaign. In order to monitor 30 × 12 mm monoblocks temperature, the VHR IR diagnostic is able to move its narrow FoV (64 × 51 mm) to specific targets on the observable divertor area (360 × 420 mm). Position and focus steering are achieved through motor-controlled mirrors and lenses operated by a dedicated Labview application on a remote unit. Mirror positioning occurs between pulses under normal WEST operation conditions, and can withstand thermal radiation and disruptions during pulses. Repeatability, hysteresis, mechanical components reliability are critical parameters to provide accurate positioning (<1 mm) of the FoV. The tuning and calibration of these actuators in accordance with WEST environment is crucial to guarantee the best position of the FoV and optical performances. This paper gives the FoV positioning implementation details and performance of the VHR in WEST.