Probing foams from the nanometer to the millimeter scale by coupling small-angle neutron scattering, imaging, and electrical conductivity measurements
Liquid foams are multi-scale structures whose structural characterization requires the combination of very different techniques. This inherently complex task is made more difficult by the fact that foams are also intrinsically unstable systems and that their properties are highly dependent on the production protocol and sample container. To tackle these issues, a new device has been developed that enables the simultaneous time-resolved investigation of foams by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), electrical conductivity, and bubbles imaging. This device allows the characterization of the foam and its aging from nanometer up to centimeter scale in a single experiment. A specific SANS model was developed to quantitatively adjust the scattering intensity from the dry foam. Structural features such as the liquid fraction, specific surface area of the Plateau borders and inter-bubble films, and thin film thickness were deduced from this analysis, and some of these values were compared with values extracted from the other applied techniques. This approach has been applied to a surfactant-stabilized liquid foam under free drainage and the underlying foam destabilization mechanisms were discussed with unprecedented detail. For example, the information extracted from the image analysis and SANS data allows for the first time to determine the disjoining pressure vs. thickness isotherm in a real, draining foam.