Finite element analysis of steel-concrete-steel beams with stud defects
While current research has focused on designing new studs to improve the degree of com-posite action in a steel-concrete composite beam and on identifying the number of studs that are necessary to achieve a full composite action, little effort has determined the negative con-sequences of defects within a steel-concrete-steel structure on its behavior. Some works have created a measuring process to detect surface defects between the steel plates and the con-crete core. These defects can penalize the behavior of an SCS structure because of steel plate buckling in the compressed members. However, no study has clearly identified and quantified the risks associated with debonding defects on the global behavior.
Moreover, SCS structures can be subject to some of the same defects as are present in re-inforced concrete structures, namely segregation defects and trapped air bubbles within the concrete, or missing studs during the assembly of the steel plates. On a more traditional con-struction site, various techniques would be used to repair the concrete core after removing the formwork. However, the nature of SCS structures prevents such repairs as the steel plates block the view and prevent access to the concrete core.
Starting from these observations, engineers need precise estimations of the consequences of each type of defect. This contribution aims at developing simulations of the behavior of a steel-concrete-steel beam with finite element analysis. The model will then be enriched with severe defects that could be encountered on-site.