Downscaling of future national capacity scenarios of the French electricity system to the regional level - CEA - Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
Article Dans Une Revue Energy Systems Année : 2022

Downscaling of future national capacity scenarios of the French electricity system to the regional level


In order to respond to the COP21 targets in terms of carbon mitigation, the participant governments have set pledges and roadmaps for renewable energy penetration in order to decarbonize the different energy sectors (electricity, transport, industry, etc.). This paper raises the question of the regional distribution of the targeted renewable capacities and their precise locations across twelve regions in France. To do so, land and ocean eligibility for renewable penetration is studied taking into account the different environmental, techno-economic, social and political criteria constraining the implementation of renewable generation facilities. Onshore and offshore wind as well as solar photovoltaics (open field) are investigated. The maximum integration capacities are then evaluated for each region in France, and total 306, 33, and 1,626 GW respectively. According to a review of French capacity scenarios from in the literature, these potentials are clearly far beyond the renewable capacities suggested for 2035. Therefore, the eligible spots for renewable integration are subjected to a multi-criteria analysis in order to select the most propitious spots in response to the suggested capacities.
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Dates et versions

cea-03994700 , version 1 (17-02-2023)



Olfa Tlili, Christine Mansilla, Martin Robinius, David Severin Ryberg, Dilara Gülcin Caglayan, et al.. Downscaling of future national capacity scenarios of the French electricity system to the regional level. Energy Systems, 2022, 13 (1), pp.137-165. ⟨10.1007/s12667-020-00406-8⟩. ⟨cea-03994700⟩
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