The importance of post analysis data processing in ICP-AES calibration adjustment and multi-lines approaches
This study presents post-analysis data processing that can be used in Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES). Two complementary methods were developped the optimisation of the calibration curve and the use of the Total Sum model. In order to work on a Certified Reference Material, the CETAMA EQRAIN 22 solution was used. First, the effect of the computation model used was evaluated. The Total Sum model was developped with two approaches a classical weighted mean and the excess variance weighted mean. Results show a decrease of about a factor of 4 for iron, and 2 for arsenic and palladium on uncertainties. Then, the effect of the calibration solution on both result uncertainties and method detection limits was studied . It shows that using the appropriate calibration can reduce them down by a factor of 10. Such results lead to a total gain on detection limits of about a factor of 30.