line intensity measurements and analysis in the v3 band of ruthenium tetroxide
Ruthenium tetroxide (RuO4) is a heavy tetrahedral molecule characterized by an unusual volatility near ambient temperature. Because of its chemical toxicity and the radiological impact of its 103Ru and 106Ru isotopologues, the possible remote sensing of this compound in the atmosphere has renewed interest in its spectroscopic properties. In a recent study, the strong fundamental band associated with the excitation of the infrared active stretching mode and#61550;v3 of 102Ru16O4, observed near 10 microns, was re-investigated at high-resolution (0.001 cm1) with the help of a 102Ru isotopically pure sample.a Building upon that work, the present contribution is the first investigation dealing with high-resolution line-by-line intensity measurements for the and#61550;v3 fundamental band of 102Ru16O4. It relies on high resolution Fourier transform infrared spectra specifically recorded at room temperature at the AILES beam line of SOLEIL using synchrotron radiation, a specially constructed cell and an isotopically pure sample of 102Ru16O4. Relying on an effective Hamiltonian and associated effective dipole moment,a the measured line intensities were assigned and dipole moment parameters determined. A HITRAN-formatted frequency and intensity line list was generated.