The upgrade of the cold neutron three-axis spectrometer IN12 at the ILL
After nearly 40 years of successful operation the cold three-axis spectrometer 1N12 at the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France, has been relocated to a new position and the primary spectrometer has been upgraded. Latest modern optical components are employed. A new guide in combination with a virtual source concept and a double focusing monochromator guarantee highest flux. With its high unpolarized and polarized neutron flux 1N12 allows for demanding experiments. A velocity selector in the guide ensures a clean beam and a very low background. A gain in flux of about an order of magnitude at the sample position has been achieved compared to the previous instrument and 1N12's wavelength range now extends far into the warmish region. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.