- Instrumentation 545
- Ionizing radiation 505
- Radioactivity 399
- Nuclear instrumentation 351
- Signal processing 270
- Metrology 255
- Simulation 200
- Detector 184
- Dosimetry 154
- Sensor 154
- Spectrum analysis 141
- Artificial intelligence 140
- Machine learning 135
- Spectrometry 135
- Modelling 132
- Gamma-rays 131
- Diamond 128
- Monte Carlo 122
- X-rays 108
- Radiotherapy 100
- Particle transport 95
- Statistical analysis 93
- Optical Fiber Sensor 92
- Distributed and Quasi-distributed sensing 90
- Calibration 89
- Neutrons 84
- Online learning 69
- Beta-rays 66
- Primary activity measurement 66
- Plastic scintillator 64
- Fiber Bragg Grating 63
- Dose measurement 57
- Defect 56
- Classification 55
- Diagnosis 55
- Neutron-gamma discrimination 48
- Decay data measurement 47
- Non-destructive testing 47
- Electronic architecture 45
- Thin film 45
- Gamma spectrometry 44
- Fuzzy logic 40
- Laser 38
- Medical imaging 36
- Cable 35
- Radionuclide metrology 35
- Structural health monitoring 34
- Nanodiamond 32
- Reflectometry 32
- Ionization chamber 31
- Alpha-rays 30
- Calorimeter 30
- Irradiation 30
- Photons 30
- Ultrasound 30
- Monitoring 29
- Cancer 28
- Decay data evaluation 28
- Neural network 28
- Optimization 27
- Beta spectrum 26
- Data processing 26
- Fluorescence 25
- Linac 25
- Image processing 24
- Phantom 23
- Reliability 23
- Chemical Vapor Deposition CVD 22
- Distributed learning 22
- Gamma imaging 22
- Monte Carlo simulation 22
- Nondestructive examination 22
- Metabolomics 21
- Metallic magnetic calorimeter 21
- Standardization 21
- Eddy current testing 20
- Fault detection 20
- Liquid scintillation 20
- Material characterisation 20
- Sparse coding 20
- Tomography 20
- Transferometry 20
- Fault location 19
- Liquid scintillation counting 19
- MCNP 19
- Mass spectrometry 19
- Uranium 19
- Beta spectrometry 18
- Deep learning 18
- Gamma-ray spectrometry 18
- Multi-agent system 18
- Nanoparticles 18
- Non destructive testing 18
- Nuclear 18
- Radon 18
- Temperature measurement 18
- Contrôle non destructif 17
- Cryogenic detector 17
- Fiber Bragg grating 17
- Neutron detection 17
- Nuclear data 17
- Photofission 17
- Radiation protection 17
- Additive manufacturing 16
- CT imaging 16
- Clustering 16
- Detection efficiency 16
- Half-life 16
- High temperature 16
- Performance 16
- Radiation effects 16
- Radionuclide 16
- Bioinformatics 15
- Diffraction 15
- Dismantling 15
- Liquid scintillator 15
- TDCR 15
- Ultrasonic testing 15
- X-ray spectrometry 15
- Decommissioning 14
- Doping 14
- Energy resolution 14
- Gadolinium 14
- Modeling 14
- Nuclear reactor 14
- Optical fiber sensor 14
- Photonics 14
- Reflection 14
- Reflectrometry 14
- Scintillation 14
- Spatial resolution 14
- Spectroscopy 14
- Tritium 14
- Uncertainty 14
- Computed tomography 13
- Detectors 13
- Dictionary learning 13
- Electrons 13
- Ionizing radiations 13
- Optical fibers 13
- Reference source 13
- Time domain analysis 13
- Trustworthy Artificial intelligence 13
- Efficiency 12
- Fast neutrons 12
- Fission chamber 12
- Identification 12
- Inverse problems 12
- LINAC 12
- Micromegas 12
- Neutron 12
- Smart grid 12
- Anisotropy 11
- Decay data 11
- Detection 11
- Explosives 11
- Ferromagnetic materials 11
- Inspection 11
- Measurement 11
- Monte Carlo methods 11
- Plutonium 11
- Primary standard 11
- Radiation therapy 11
- Robustness 11
- Time domain reflectometry 11
- Treatment planning system 11
- Ultrasonics 11
- Ultrasons 11
- Absorbed dose 10
- Actinides 10
- Alpha spectrometry 10
- Bayesian inference 10
- Boron 10
- Data analysis 10
- Eddy current 10
- Elastic waves 10
- Electronic nose 10
- Geometry 10
- Guided electromagnetic wave propagation 10
- Imaging 10
- Interlaboratory comparison 10
- Linear accelerator 10
- NDT 10
- Nondestructive testing 10
- Photoluminescence 10
- Polycrystalline diamond 10
- Radiation 10
- Sensitivity 10
- Solid scintillation detectors 10
- Temperature 10
- Temperature sensors 10
- Testing 10
- Algorithms 9
- Anthropomorphic phantom 9
- Biocompatibility 9
- Boron doping 9
- Dark matter 9
- Data acquisition 9
- Deconvolution 9
- Detector design 9
- Digital signal processing 9
- Dose distribution 9
- Dose rate 9
- EEG 9
- Eddy currents 9
- Electron accelerator 9
- Finite element method 9
- Gamma camera 9
- Guided waves 9
- Image reconstruction 9
- Intercomparison 9
- Interoperability 9
- Inverse problem 9
- Nuclear power plant 9
- Photon 9
- Polymer 9
- Protons 9
- Radioactive source 9
- Radiology 9
- Radiothérapie 9
- Raman spectroscopy 9
- Reflectometers 9
- Sensors 9
- Stereotactic radiotherapy 9
- Thermography 9
- Acoustics 8
- Annealing 8
- Blind source separation 8
- Buildings 8
- CIVA 8
- Cables 8
- Characterization 8
- Collimator 8
- Composite material 8
- Corrosion 8
- Decay mode 8
- Design 8
- Detonation 8
- Diamond detector 8
- Dosimeter 8
- Electrode 8
- Electroencephalography 8
- Fault diagnosis 8
- Ferromagnetism 8
- Functionalization 8
- Heteroepitaxy 8
- Iridium 8
- Maintenance 8
- Mass attenuation coefficients 8
- Materials 8
- Modélisation 8
- Neutron detector 8
- Non-destructive evaluation 8
- Optical fiber 8
- PENELOPE code 8
- Photon emission intensities 8
- Radiation detectors 8
- Scattering 8
- Scintillator 8
- Security 8
- Sensor arrays 8
- Silicon 8
- Software 8
- Source preparation 8
- Sparsity 8
- Statistics 8
- Structural Health Monitoring 8
- Tokamak 8
- Ultrasonic imaging 8
- Ultrasounds 8
- Wire 8
- Attenuation 7
- Bolometer 7
- Boron doped diamond 7
- Brachytherapy 7
- Complex wire network 7
- Courants de Foucault 7
- Cryogenic detectors 7
- Decay scheme 7
- Defects 7
- Efficiency calibration 7
- Electrochemistry 7
- Electron capture 7
- Estimation 7
- Exchange effect 7
- Fabrication 7
- Fiber Bragg gratings 7
- Fission products 7
- GEANT4 7
- Harsh environment 7
- Homeland security 7
- Hydrogen 7
- Learning systems 7
- MCNP6 7
- Metallic magnetic calorimeters 7
- Métrologie 7
- Nuclear Power Plant 7
- Nuclear decay 7
- Nuclear measurements 7
- Nuclear medicine 7
- Nucleation 7
- Numerical methods 7
- Organic scintillator 7
- Photoneutron 7
- Radioactive materials 7
- Railway 7
- Reconstruction 7
- Regularization 7
- Signal to noise ratio 7
- Single crystal diamond 7
- Spectrometer 7
- Spectrum 7
- Synchrotron 7
- TPS 7
- Thermal neutrons 7
- Time resolution 7
- Tumor 7
- 137Cs 6
- 14C 6
- 222Rn 6
- 63Ni 6
- Actinide 6
- Activity standardization 6
- Algorithm 6
- Annotation 6
- Apprentissage automatique 6
- Biomarkers 6
- Bismuth 6
- Calorimetry 6
- Chemical vapor deposition 6
- Circuit faults 6
- Computer simulation 6
- Conductivity 6
- Contrôle non-destructif 6
- Corium 6
- Correlation 6
- Dating 6
- Degradation 6
- Delayed neutrons 6
- Dose 6
- Elastodynamics 6
- Electricity 6
- Energy 6
- Fission 6
- Fission reactor instrumentation 6
- Grafting 6
- Hysteresis 6
- Inductors 6
- Interpretability 6
- Linear electron accelerator 6
- Logique floue 6
- Monte-Carlo 6
- Nanocrystalline diamond 6
- Neutrino 6
- Neutron flux 6
- Non Parametric Bayesian method 6
- Nuclear accident 6
- OSL 6
- Optically Stimulated Luminescence OSL 6
- PET 6
- Plasma 6
- Power cables 6
- Privacy 6
- Pulse shape discrimination 6
- Radiation detection 6
- Radiography 6
- Radiological characterization 6
- Radionuclide identification 6
- Rayons X 6
- Reference material 6
- Safety 6
- Semiconductor detectors 6
- Shape factor 6
- Signal classification 6
- Signal detection 6
- Soft fault 6
- Standards 6
- Statistical inference 6
- Surface chemistry 6
- Synchrotron radiation 6
- Synthetic diamond 6
- Topology 6
- Total Focusing Method 6
- Transducer 6
- Transmission lines 6
- Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio 6
- Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio TDCR 6
- WEST 6
- Wiring 6
- Wiring network 6
- X-ray fluorescence 6
- Xenon 6
- 241Am 5
- 3H 5
- 85Kr 5
- Accuracy 5
- Activity measurement 5
- Air kerma 5
- Architecture 5
- Atomic exchange 5
- Background 5
- Beta decay 5
- Beta spectra 5
- Biomarker 5
- Biosensor 5
- Boundary element method 5
- Bragg wavelength shift 5
- Causality 5
- Composite materials 5
- Computational electromagnetics 5
- Computer architecture 5
- Data mining 5
- Delayed gamma-rays 5
- Demand response 5
- Denoising 5
- Diamant 5
- Diamond detectors 5
- Distributed measurement 5
- Divertor 5
- Dosimétrie 5
- Elastic guided waves 5
- Electrodes 5
- Electron emissions 5
- Elemental semiconductors 5
- Energy consumption 5
- Energy spectrum 5
- Experimental results 5
- Fibre optique 5
- Filter 5
- Finite element methods 5
- Finite integration technique 5
- Fourier transform 5
- Frequency domain analysis 5
- Fuzzy rules 5
- GTD 5
- Gamma-ray detection 5
- Geant4 5
- Gold nanoparticles 5
- Guided Waves 5
- Hydrogenation 5
- Imaging techniques 5
- Ionization 5
- Linear Sampling Method 5
- Lithium 5
- Luminescence 5
- MPGD 5
- Machine Learning 5
- Models 5
- Monte Carlo method 5
- Multiplexing 5
- Nanomedicine 5
- Neutron activation 5
- Nuclear materials safeguards 5
- Nuclear waste 5
- Numerical models 5
- OSL dosimeter 5
- Optics 5
- Optimisation 5
- Optimization algorithm 5
- Organ dose 5
- Out-of-field dose 5
- Patient dose 5
- Photon beam 5
- Plastic scintillators 5
- Possibility theory 5
- Proton 5
- Quality assurance 5
- Quality control 5
- Quenching 5
- Radiation damage 5
- Radiation monitoring 5
- Reflectivity 5
- Réseau de Bragg 5
- SOLEIL synchrotron 5
- Smart grids 5
- Solid-state counter diamond 5
- TREE method 5
- Thermocouple 5
- Topology reconstruction 5
- Training 5
- Traitement du signal 5
- Transducer array 5
- Wires 5
- X-ray 5
- X-ray spectroscopy 5
- 151Sm 4
- 210Pb 4
- 3D dosimetry 4
- 3D reconstruction 4
- 55Fe 4
- 60Co 4
- Additive Manufacturing 4
- Aging 4
- Algorithm design and analysis 4
- Alpha particles 4
- Anisotropic materials 4
- Anomaly detection 4
- Approximation theory 4
- Artificial Intelligence 4
- Automation 4
- Autoradiography 4
- BCI 4
- Bacteria 4
- Binding 4
- Biomedical electrodes 4
- Biosensors 4
- Bragg gratings 4
- Bremsstrahlung 4
- Bridge decks 4
- CGRA 4
- CVD diamond 4
- Calorimeters 4
- Cantilevers 4
- Carbon 4
- Chemical detection 4
- Chemical sensors 4
- Chemical vapor deposition CVD 4
- Cohort 4
- Coincidence techniques 4
- Compensation 4
- Complex network 4
- Computation time 4
- Computer software 4
- Computerized tomography 4
- Contamination 4
- Copper 4
- Corium monitoring 4
- Counting rate 4
- Cracks 4
- Cryogenics 4
- Crystals 4
- Data format 4
- Decay constant 4
- Decision support systems 4
- Decision tree 4
- Deep neural network 4
- Detector absorber 4
- Detonation nanodiamond 4
- Detonics 4
- Deuterium 4
- Diamond cantilevers 4
- Diamond electrode 4
- Discrimination 4
- Distributed sensing 4
- Dose calculation 4
- Dose profile 4
- Elasticity 4
- Electrical properties 4
- Electron beam 4
- Evaluation 4
- Experimental validation 4
- Fast reactor 4
- Fault 4
- Feature extraction 4
- Femtosecond lasers 4
- Fiber optic sensors 4
- Fibre optic sensors 4
- Fluorescence yields 4
- Fuzzy decision tree 4
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy 4
- Geometrical theory of diffraction 4
- Gold 4
- Graph 4
- Graph theory 4
- Guided wave imaging 4
- Hardening 4
- Head wave 4
- High energy physics 4
- IMRT 4
- Image quality 4
- Imaging mass spectrometry 4
- Implant 4
- Inorganic scintillator 4
- Integral equations 4
- Intelligent systems 4
- Ionization chambers 4
- Laser-Ultrasound 4
- Liquid metal fast breeder reactors 4
- MEMS 4
- Magnetic materials 4
- Mapping 4
- Mass spectrometry imaging 4
- Maxwell equations 4
- Mechanical properties 4
- Medical physics 4
- Metagenomics 4
- Metamodel 4
- Microdosimetry 4
- Multi-agent systems 4
- NMR 4
- Nanoparticle 4
- Nanostructure 4
- Narcotics 4
- Narrow cracks 4
- National security 4
- Neural networks 4
- Neural prosthesis 4
- Neurophysiology 4
- Neutron sources 4
- Noise 4
- Non-intrusive inspection 4
- Nonparametric estimation 4
- Nuclear industry 4
- Nuclear safety 4
- Nuclear waste packages 4
- Numerical calculations 4
- Online monitoring 4
- Ontology 4
- Optically stimulated luminescence 4
- Optimization techniques 4
- Orthogonal matching pursuit 4
- Parallelization 4
- Parameter estimation 4
- Partial discharge 4
- Penelope 4
- Photocathodes 4
- Photon activation 4
- Plates structural components 4
- Polymers 4
- Predictive models 4
- Prosthetics 4
- Pure beta emitter 4
- Radiation hardening 4
- Radiation tolerance 4
- Radioactive decay 4
- Radioactive pollution 4
- Radioactive sources 4
- Radioactivity measurement 4
- Radiochemistry 4
- Raman spectrometry 4
- Refractive index 4
- Regeneration 4
- Regression 4
- Renewable energies 4
- Resonant frequency 4
- Scintillation counters 4
- Simulation Monte Carlo 4
- Single crystal 4
- Sodium-cooled fast reactors 4
- Spectral unmixing 4
- Spectrométrie gamma 4
- Stability 4
- Strain measurement 4
- Structural health monitoring SHM 4
- Structure 4
- Sun 4
- Surface properties 4
- Surface roughness 4
- Surrogate model 4
- Thin films 4
- Time reversal 4
- Triple to double coincidence ratio TDCR 4
- Ultrasonic 4
- Vision 4
- Waveguide 4
- X-ray reflectivity XRR 4
- 133Ba 3
- 138La 3
- 3D detector 3
- 90Y 3
- Absolute activity measurement 3
- Absorber 3
- Accidents 3
- Acoustic waveguide 3
- Activation 3
- Active photon interrogation 3
- Activity 3
- Activity concentration 3
- Activity determination 3
- Activity report 3
- Adaptability 3
- Adaptive imaging 3
- Ageing 3
- Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers 3
- Am-241 3
- Analysis 3
- Antibody-mediated rejection 3
- Assignation 3
- Audio signal processing 3
- Axions 3
- B-splines 3
- BIM 3
- BMI 3
- Bacteria identification 3
- Bandwidth 3
- Battery 3
- Bayesian 3
- Benchmark 3
- Beta imaging 3
- Beta radionuclide 3
- Beta spectrometer 3
- Bias enhanced nucleation BEN 3
- Big data 3
- Bioelectric phenomena 3
- Biopsy 3
- Blindness 3
- Bonding 3
- Border control 3
- Brain-Computer Interface 3
- Building Information Model BIM 3
- Building Information Modeling BIM 3
- Building flexibility 3
- CIEMAT/NIST efficiency tracing 3
- CND 3
- COVID-19 3
- Camera 3
- Cameras 3
- Cargo inspection 3
- Cationic tricoordinated copper complexes 3
- Causalité 3
- CdTe 3
- Chemical elements 3
- Cherenkov effect 3
- Circuit fault 3
- Civil engineering 3
- Clad failure 3
- Classification accuracy 3
- Climate change 3
- Coincidence summing 3
- Collaborative learning 3
- Colloids 3
- Complex wire networks 3
- Composites 3
- Computational modeling 3
- Concrete 3
- Controllable appliance 3
- Counting efficiency 3
- Crisis management 3
- Crystal 3
- Crystalline quality 3
- DDEP 3
- Dark Matter 3
- Data privacy 3
- Data retention 3
- Decay time 3
- Decomposition of the time reversal operator 3
- Defect characterization 3
- Defect detection 3
- Defect diagnosis 3
- Delamination 3
- Delayed gamma rays 3
- Depth profiling 3
- Detection chamber 3
- Detector pixel 3
- Diamond dosimeter 3
- Dictionary Learning 3
- Dielectric charging 3
- Differential Privacy 3
- Diffusion 3
- Digital Pulse Processing 3
- Digital platform 3
- Discrete complex image method 3
- Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor 3
- Distributed optimisation 3
- Dose-area product 3
- Dosemeter 3
- Double beta decay 3
- Double-beta decay 3
- Drug delivery 3
- Dynamics 3
- Détection 3
- ESR dating 3
- Eddy-current 3
- Electrical stimulation 3
- Electrochemical electrodes 3
- Electromagnetic acoustic transducers 3
- Electromagnetic fields 3
- Electromagnetic immunity 3
- Electron capture probabilities 3
- Electronic properties 3
- Electroprecipitation 3
- Emission 3
- Energy efficiency 3
- Energy optimisation 3
- Epitaxy 3
- Error detection 3
- Etching 3
- Exhaled breath 3
- Experimental data 3
- Expert systems 3
- Explainability 3
- Explainable artificial intelligence 3
- Explicit 3
- Explosive detection 3
- ExpressIF 3
- Extra dose 3
- FTIR 3
- Fabrication additive 3
- Fault prognostics 3
- Fault tolerance 3
- Federated Learning 3
- Federated learning 3
- Fiber Bragg Grating FBG 3
- Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors 3
- Field programmable gate arrays 3
- Fission reactor accidents 3
- Fission reactor cooling 3
- Fission research reactors 3
- Flash memory 3
- Flexibility 3
- Fluorescence yield 3
- Fluorophore 3
- Fossil 3
- Frequency estimation 3
- Frequency measurement 3
- Fricke-based gel dosimetry 3
- Fusion reactions 3
- Fuzzy expert system 3
- Fuzzy set theory 3
- GPU 3
- Gamma detector 3
- Gamma index 3
- Gamma spectroscopy 3
- Gamma-ray effects 3
- Gamma-spectrometry 3
- Gaseous detectors 3
- Genomics 3
- Germanium 3
- Glioma 3
- Graphic processing units 3
- HPGe detector 3
- Hadron therapy 3
- Haute température 3
- Heat flux 3
- Heavy elements 3
- Helium-3 3
- Hidden Markov models 3
- High energy resolution 3
- High pressure 3
- Homomorphic encryption 3
- Humans 3
- IFC 3
- ITER 3
- Image analysis 3
- Imaging systems 3
- Impedance 3
- Infrared thermography 3
- Innovative approaches 3
- Instrumentation nucléaire 3
- Integral equation 3
- Interferometry 3
- Interférométrie 3
- Inversion 3
- Ionising radiation 3
- Ionizing radiation metrology 3
- Isotope identification 3
- Isotopic composition 3
- Kernel learning 3
- Kidney transplantation 3
- LSC 3
- Lamb waves 3
- Layered Neural Network 3
- Lensfree imaging 3
- Light emitting Electrochemical Cells 3
- Liquid Scintillation 3
- Liquid Scintillation counting 3
- Liquid chromatography 3
- Loading 3
- Location 3
- Location accuracy 3
- MCMC 3
- MRI 3
- Magnet 3
- Magnetic fields 3
- Magnetic hysteresis 3
- Markov processes 3
- Mathematical model 3
- Mathematical operators 3
- Matrix algebra 3
- Medical image processing 3
- Membership Function 3
- Metabolism 3
- Micro-cantilevers 3
- Microelectrodes 3
- Middle Pleistocene 3
- Minor actinides 3
- Model 3
- Modulation 3
- Multi-Agent System 3
- Multilayer 3
- Multiple soft faults 3
- Multivariate analysis 3
- Muons 3
- NDE 3
- NDT simulation 3
- Natural language 3
- Neutrinos 3
- Neutron detectors 3
- Neutron interrogation 3
- Neutron irradiation 3
- Non-Destructive testing 3
- Nuclear electronics 3
- Nuclear measurement 3
- Nuclear reactions 3
- Nuclear waste characterization 3
- Numerical analysis 3
- Numerical simulations 3
- OFDM 3
- OFDR 3
- Occupational exposure 3
- Odour recognition 3
- Ondes guidées 3
- Ondes élastiques guidées 3
- Optical CT scanner 3
- Optical fiber sensors 3
- Optimal Transport 3
- Optimization algorithms 3
- Ordonnancement 3
- P300 3
- POD 3
- Pantograph 3
- Particle beams 3
- Permittivity measurement 3
- Photocathode 3
- Photoionization 3
- Photomultipliers 3
- Photon activation analysis 3
- Photon dosimetry 3
- Photophysical properties 3
- Photophysics 3
- Picosecond timing 3
- Piezoelectric transducers 3
- Piezoelectricity 3
- Pile-up correction 3
- Plate-like structure 3
- Pleistocene 3
- Point dose 3
- Poisson distribution 3
- Portfolio optimization 3
- Position sensitive particle detectors 3
- Posterior probability distribution 3
- Power cable 3
- Power system reliability 3
- Pressure 3
- Probability 3
- Problèmes inverses 3
- Process engineering 3
- Prognosis 3
- Prototype 3
- Radiation Portal Monitor 3
- Radiation hardness 3
- Radioactive waste 3
- Radioactive waste storage 3
- Radioisotopes 3
- Radioluminescence 3
- Radiometer 3
- Radioprotection 3
- Radiosensitivity 3
- Radon transform 3
Affichage limité aux 1000 premières réponses.