CEA researchers

If you wish to make a deposit :

Help for HAL-CEA use

For your help, you've got some didactitiels (in french for the moment) :

Publication copyrights

It is important to know some rules before deposit your publication in an open archive like HAL :

contact :


Access to CEA's scientific production

HAL-CEA is a repository for self-archiving of scientific publications of the CEA's researchers and laboratories and providing free access to : articles, conferences, reports, thesis, HDR...

Help for search and consultation (in french)

If you wish to receive automatically every new publication that fit your criteria, please subscribe...


Documents avec texte intégral

59 907

Nombre de références bibliographiques

75 976

Nombre de références bibliographiques

Individual HAL workshops (30-minute video): register now! Would you like to promote your research on HAL-CEA, create your researcher identifier, the IdHAL, associate it with other identifiers (Orcid, IdRef...), deposit, centralise and enhance your publications, create your CVHAL? The HAL- CEA team offers you individual 30-minute workshops by Skype (Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10am and 11am) to enhance your researcher profile and your scientific publications. Make an appointment directly by registering using the form by clicking on continue reading. Contact: hal@cea.fr

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