Separation and quantification method for Pd-107 in radioactive waste
In spent nuclear fuel, palladium 107 (Pd-107) is one of the longest-lived fission
products (FP) resulting from the fission of uranium and plutonium. After use of the
UOX fuel in a PWR reactor, 4% of its mass composition is FP, among which 0.66%
is Pd-107. This pure beta emitter decays to a stable Ag-107 with a half-life of 6.5 x
106 years.
In 2022, the French government has announced new nuclear power plants projects
in parallel with the increase in decommissioning and dismantling activities (D&D) of
nuclear sites. In order to ensure a correct disposal of nuclear waste and safe longterm storage in the required facilities, the Pd-107 concentration must be precisely
quantified in a variety of materials.