Organ Dose Calculations Using ICRP Adult Voxel Phantoms and TRIPOLI-4 Monte Carlo Code
Abstract The ICRP 110 adult male and female voxel phantoms are the official computational models representing the ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) Reference Male and Reference Female. In 2018, the Working Group 6 (WG6) of European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) organized a study on the usage of the ICRP voxel reference phantoms. Organ dose calculation tasks with radiation transport codes were proposed in occupational, environmental, and medical dosimetry. The TRIPOLI-4 Monte Carlo radiation transport code has been widely used in radiation shielding, criticality safety, and reactor physics fields for supporting French nuclear energy research and industrial applications. To enhance the application fields of TRIPOLI-4, the 2018 EURADOS-WG6 tasks are being taken into account by using different features of the TRIPOLI-4 code. In this work, the ICRP reference voxel phantoms were first adapted into TRIPOLI-4. More than 14 × 106 voxels were represented in a mixed lattice geometry including 140 organs-tissues and 52 tissue media. Diverse exposure scenarios were then investigated by using 60Co and 241Am gamma-ray sources, 16N beta source, and 10 keV neutron source. The TRIPOLI-4 standard nuclear data library was utilized on these neutron, photon, electron, and positron-coupled transport calculations. Energy deposition estimators for electron, positron, neutron, and photon coupled with mesh tally options were used to calculate the organ absorbed dose DT and the effective dose E. TRIPOLI-4 calculation methods and primary results for the EURADOS-WG6 voxel phantom exercise on organ dose study tasks are reported here.