The GDR MFA leads, with the help of the "Groupe de Travail Sciences de la Matière" of the CNES, the research program in microgravity in the field of Material Sciences and Engineering Sciences.
The HAL collection of the GDR MFA (GDR n°2799) offers a showcase and an access to the scientific production resulting from the GDR and deposited in the HAL open archive.
Researchers can deposit in the HAL open archive the bibliographic references of their work and, within the framework set by the Law for a Digital Republic of October 7, 2016 (Article 30) and by the policies of publishers, the full text of their publications.
The HAL open archive aims to :
improve the international visibility and consultation of publications
enhance the value of the production of researchers, laboratories and institutions by ensuring a very wide dissemination, towards the academic world (researchers and students), the general public and the economic sector (civil society);
to guarantee a permanent and public conservation and access to publications;
to support the Open Access movement and Open Science.
Last update : October 2022.
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Last deposits
Paul Onubi Ayegba, Julien Sébilleau, Catherine Colin. Experimental investigation and modelling of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in flow boiling in normal and microgravity conditions. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2024, 181, pp.104991. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2024.104991⟩. ⟨hal-04804802⟩
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